The Programme
BEcoming YOU
12 weeks to knowing, loving and being more YOU
Trust me, it'll change your life!
I get it...
You feel like you’ve just been swept along the conveyor belt of life, not entirely sure when or where you got on or how to get off. You're beginning to think; 'Sh*t, where did the time go??! This isn't how I saw my life turning out!'
You're feeling unfulfilled, like life is passing you by, you feel like you've inadvertently landed where you are and it's certainly not where you thought you'd be. You spend your days trying to keep up with the mountain of shoulds and musts and have to's, living your life for other people your boss, colleagues, partner, parents, in-laws and kids - don't you even get a look in??
You’re beginning to question everything you were taught, why you do what you do, made the decisions you made, did you have a choice? After all, you did everything you ‘should’ do, and what do you have to show for it? What's my Legacy? HA! I'll tell you when I've had a moment to sit down and think about it! You've turned into a total human doing not a human being, you're not even entirely sure what Being you even looks like any more.
You've hit the wall, you know it’s time for a change, you can’t go on simply functioning in this existence, you want more, you need more, you deserve more, so much more, but where to even start?!
For now, Just breathe, I’ve got you amazing lady.
Is this where you're at right now?
You've lost sight of who YOU are
You feel really guilty about it, but you can't help feeling unsatisfied with the way your life has turned out, you want something more (but feel like an ungrateful b**ch for even thinking it).
You feel like life is passing you by, it's scary how time is slipping away
You're too busy just trying to keep up with the day to day to even think properly about creating a life that fills you with joy
It feels like you're living for other people, you barely get a look in.
You are so frickin' tired. All. Of. The .Time. Where has your energy gone?
You get really frustrated with yourself and others, you're fuse definitely seems to be getting shorter.
You worry about what your future will look like.
How about this instead?
You are super clear on who you are AND what you want from life
(with zero guilt for wanting it)
You feel back in the driving seat of your life and as a result everything feels in control.
You know you'r values, what you stand for (and against) and use these to guide your daily actions and decisions, again - guilt free!
You have an action plan and a roadmap to get to where you want to be 1,5 and 10 years from now, regardless of how BIG that vision is.
You have a new found energy you haven't had for YEARS and are loving life
You are more fun to be around, people even tell you so!
You are confident in yourself and know you have all the tools and resources you need to create a future filled with meaning and joy for yourself and your loved ones.
When you sign up to the BEcoming YOU 12 week accelerator programme you'll receive:
6 months access to 12 self-teach modules
(released weekly over the first 12 weeks so you don't get overwhelm or tempted to skip ahead without doing the work)
3 1:1 sessions with me over the 12 weeks. A value of £750
Weekly group coaching/Q&A sessions to help answer any questions or work through any challenges you're facing
Weekly accountability and support as you work through the modules and activities.
Access to a private Facebook Group with other women on the programme so you can support and cheer each other on + hang out with other, like-minded awesome women.
Change your life in just 12 weeks for as little as £2997*
(payment plans also available)
*If purchasing on or as a result of a discovery call, a minimum deposit of £300 is payable to secure your place on the programme with the remaining balance or the remainder of the 1st months payment due 24 hours before enrolment.
Enrolment happens once per month with places strictly limited
Here's what you get...
Still have questions?
Hang on! It would simply be irresponsible of me not to give you a word of warning first…
I've got to come clean, this 12 week accelerator programme isn't for everyone. (more on that below) and it can come with some pretty significant side effects:
Common side effects:
Frequent attacks of smiling have been known to occur in some participants
You may find you have an increased tendency to act spontaneously
You can find your tolerance and patience thresholds increase
Tendencies to live from a place of joy rather than from a place of fear have also been reported
As have realisations that life is far too important to be taken seriously, ("F*ck it!" could well become you're new life motto)
Other side effect include but are not limited to:
A loss of interest in conflict
A loss of interest in judging yourself and others
A loss of interest in interpreting (and trying to make sense of) the actions of others
The ability to love unconditionally expecting nothing in return (this applies to yourself and others)
An appreciation for humanity and it’s awesomeness (read YOUR awesomeness)
Other women around you - and hell, even men and kids suddenly start being a little more awesome too because by rising and shining YOU gave them permission to start shining their light brighter too
And one day, she discovered that she was fierce, and she was strong, and she was full of fire.
Not even she could hold herself back anymore because her passion for living a life less ordinary burned brighter than her fears.
She knew who the f*ck she was and just started f*cking being it
because THAT is where her power lay.
But Wait....This is not for you if…
How about this instead?
You aren’t ready to step up, take responsibility, unlearn and relearn, embrace change and shine like the frickin' super nova you were born to be.
You are running a victim mentality and are looking for someone else to 'give you the answers .' That's not my job. My job is to reacquaint you with your infinite awesomeness, capiche?
You aren’t ready to get a teeny tiny bit uncomfortable in the name of growth (we don't grow when we're comfortable #SorryNotSorry).
-You don't value yourself highly enough to invest in your personal development and growth.
BEcoming YOU© is a premium level investment into you and your loved one's future, designed for driven, courageous women who are ready to step off the monotanous hamster wheel of existence, step into their power, and create transformational results.
So what's your next step? Where to from here?
Well, you have a choice; You always have a choice.
Either you've already decided you're in in which case why haven't you clicked that button just above you already?! Go on, do it!
OR, you're thinking "Ok, this sounds amazing but.....
- What if I invest in myself and nothing changes?
- What if I'm the one person you can’t help? (Oh man, I bet that’ll be me!)
- What if my nearest and dearest don’t like the ‘changes’ in me?
- What if people think I’m weird? Like more weird than they already
Ok amigo, I have three things to say to you (here's the straight talking bit):
1. Change nothing and nothing changes. It’s far easier (and waaaay betterl) to change yourself then to change the people, places
and things around you - trust me, I wasted a whole lot of years trying to do it the other way around.
2. In the words of the fabulous Roald Dahl, “You’ll never get anywhere if you go about
what-iffing like that” Capiche?
3. Your life isn’t yours if you always care what others think, and you're fed up of that anyway aren't you, isn't that why you're here?
If you're happy to carry on living a hamster wheel life, looking forward to that glass of wine of an evening to reward yourself for getting through the day, feeling unfulfilled and dissatisfied with the way your life has turned out and, even worse, feeling guilty about those thoughts and feelings, that's ok. You don't need me, you don't need this programme, I wish you happiness and health for your future.
BUT if you're wanting to zhuzh up your life a bit, find the fun again, reignite your zest for living, improve your relationship with yourself and those around you, rediscover the 'who' of you and live a life less ordinary, let's talk.
You have a choice..... Will it be one day or day one?
You get to decide.
"There is freedom waiting for you on the breeze of the sky,
and you ask, "what if I fall?" But my darling, what if you fly?"
Erin Hanson
Book a FREE 30 minute call to chat about whether this programme is right for you and whether you like me enough to have me on your shoulder for the next 12 weeks!
I spent a long time living in fear with a scarcity mindset, constantly what-iffing. I was terrified to part with money when it came to investing in myself (apart from shoes and booze of course, they were a different matter) - so I know you may be feeling a teensy bit fearful right now, and that’s ok.
The biggest lesson I learnt from some of my darkest days is that we is infinitely stronger than me. Handling everything on my own would only get me so far. Here’s the thing, the little voices inside my head were just that; inside MY head, I needed someone on the outside, someone objective to keep me on the straight and narrow.
I wasted so much time going in circles, feeling stuck, running the same unconscious patterns, behaviours and programmes with no-one to call me out or pull me out of the loop, the vicious cycle and dark hole I was in.
These days, I am constantly investing in my personal development . As Maya Angelou says:
“Do the best you can until you know better. Then, when you know better, do better."
In the meantime all we can do is the best we can with the knowledge and tools we have. Investing in myself has become something I’m committed to doing for the rest of my life. You gotta nourish to flourish amazing lady!
This journey together is about learning to let go and make better, more empowered choices for us because we have so much to give, but we cannot pour from an empty cup. It won't be long until people murmur to each other as you pass...
"You should see her since she gave herself permission t0 Rise"
So I just have one last question for you amazing lady, are you ready to Rise and Shine?
I can’t WAIT to see you on the inside!!